Thriving as an External Student: My Story at the Basildon Upper Academy Sixth Form

Enrolling in the right Sixth Form is a crucial decision in preparing for your future. Whilst many students choose to attend their Secondary School’s sixth form, many others – myself included – decided to make a fresh start in a brand-new school. Certainly, a daunting decision, but what does the life of an external student look like?
Having no previous connection with Basildon Upper Academy and with no enrolled acquaintances, I had no idea what to expect, what the staff were like or if I would even form friendships. As a special educational needs (SEN) student, my experiences within education settings haven’t always been positive. Fears of ostracisation will always be present when you’re different and starting in a new environment. Basildon Upper Academy was my first time in a mainstream education setting since primary school, so I was not only faced with the inevitable changes that come with being an external student but also changes to how I’ve grown to know education entirely.
The staff have offered a warm welcome to myself and the amazing people I get to call my friends. Whenever support is required, I have faced no issues in receiving it, whether this be class related or personal. Students are swiftly notified of opportunities which will assist them once they leave sixth form, such as UCAS events, apprenticeships or workshops.
Life at Basildon Upper Academy has a unique take on traditional school timetables. We sit all timetabled hours for a subject in one day, leading most students to only have 3 days in school on their timetables. The exclusive timetable structure allows for a fantastic school/personal life balance, efficiently learning whilst enjoying our youth simultaneously. Personally, this timetable structure was a contributing factor to my application for Basildon Upper Academy. My friends at the school and I often use these free days to spend time with each other, revising together and strengthening the school community in doing so!
Amongst all else, Basildon Upper Academy offers equal opportunities to all students, no matter your educational or personal background. Here, I felt I was truly able to prove myself for my abilities, rather than being held back by my past, the latter being an issue I faced when looking into other sixth forms. My future and aspirations are clear and achievable since I enrolled in Basildon Upper Academy.
Georgia.S – Year 13