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Mid Term Admissions 

Lower Academy admissions are for Years 7, 8 and 9 and Years 10 and 11 will be based on the Upper Academy site.

All such applications to the Academy will be considered and if the year group applied for has a place available then the child will be accepted. If more applications are received than there are places available at the Academy, the over subscription criteria shall apply (see above). Parents whose application is turned down will have the right of appeal to an Independent Appeal Panel if they are dissatisfied with an admission decision made by the Academy. 

Mid-term applications made outside the normal admission round should be made directly to the Academy. 

To apply please download and complete the Mid Year Application Form and email it to:

Admissions to the Sixth Form 

There is open access to post 16 provision for the Academy’s own students. A full range of courses will be available and students will agree their programmes, with Academy tutors, at the level appropriate to their ability. The same course provision and enrolment arrangements will apply to external applicants.

If more than 70 external applicants apply for a place, after the admission of children with statements of special educational need which name the Academy, priority will be given to applicants in the following order:

(a) Looked after children
(b) Other children. Priority will be given on the basis of the closeness of the child’s home to the Basildon Upper Academy. Proximity will be measured by straight-line distance (* see below).

In the event of a tie in category ‘b’ above, the Chair of Governors, supervised by an independent scrutineer, will draw names.

* For the purposes of criterion (b) the straight-line distance will be measured from the address-point of the student’s home to the address-point of the Upper Academy site, regardless of the distance of travel.

Any applicant refused a place in Year 12 or internal student refused progression from Year 11 is entitled to make an appeal to an independent appeal panel established by the Company. To continue with a course during Year 13, a 'D' grade or above at AS Level is preferred, but students with E grades may be considered on an individual basis. Students will be unable to continue to A2 in any subject in which they have achieved a U grade.

Please visit the Sixth Form Admission section of this website for full details.