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British Science Week 2024

Last week, Year 10 students took part in a series of British Science Week activities linked to the theme of ‘Time’

To start the week of discovery, students designed sand timers to demonstrate that accurate measurement lies at the heart of scientific inquiry, serving as a fundamental pillar for drawing reliable conclusions.

Students investigated the chronological evolution of the universe by constructing a timeline spanning 13.8 billion years, tracing back to the beginning of the universe.

In another practical activity, students planted seedlings in various types of compost and will monitor the progress of growth over the next few weeks. This will help them to understand what factors influence the time it takes for plants to grow.

Our scientists also investigated biomagnification within a food chain; they were divided into groups representing insects, bats and peregrine falcons. Using coloured tokens, students simulated predator-prey interactions in a competitive game similar to rock, paper, scissors.