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Wellbeing Centres

Upper Academy Wellbeing Centre Staff

V Oddy
SENCO & Designated Safeguarding
Lead for Enhanced Provisions

 S O'Neill
Designated Safeguarding Lead



S Harper-Penman
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

D Williams
Deputy SENCO

J Stoddart
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
for Enhanced Provisions

We recognise and understand that we all cope in different ways

The Upper Academy Wellbeing Centres offers support for our students in times of need. Dealing with your own issues such as anxiety, mental health, wellbeing, self-regulation, or bereavement can be a barrier to success.  The aim of our Wellbeing Centres is to ensure you are not alone. 

The Upper Academy Wellbeing Centres are a safety net for students who are not currently able to engage with lessons fully, and offers short and long-term interventions that are flexible for all. 

As a Trauma Perceptive Practice school, our staff are trained to support children who have experienced adverse childhood experiences. There is a rolling programme of external agency support available to all, including counsellors, the school nurse and small group support. 

A nurture programme is available if students are identified as requiring a small group provision with a bespoke timetable, delivered by trauma perspective trained staff. 

The Upper Academy Wellbeing Centre has resourced learning zones where students can access a curriculum of pre-recorded lessons, recorded by subject specific teaching staff, if they are unable to access their lessons for small periods of time.  

Our student-centred support is designed to achieve the best possible outcomes and enable all to fulfil their potential. 

If you have any concerns regarding your child’s mental health please submit your information via the contact us page, making sure to select the 'Wellbeing' option.


Pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs (SEMH) who attend the school’s own provision also receive highly effective support that improves their behaviour and well-being.

Ofsted 2023